DUNS Number - 67-716-4521  |  NCAGE CODE – 2444Y  |  FDA - FEI – 3014694901


Congratulation to our Star Athlete – Mr. Charles Seigneur completing 2016 BOSTON Marathon!!!

Congratulation to our Star Athlete – Mr. Charles Seigneur completing 2016 BOSTON Marathon!!!

  • 22-Apr-2016

We, the JRF Global team extend our heartiest congratulations to our scientist at JRF America, Mr. Charles Seigneur. Your feat of crossing  26.2 miles in 2:50.06  in Boston Marathon 2016 is simply stupendous!

Please join us in wishing our star Athlete ALL THE VERY BEST FOR WINNING THE GLOBAL SPORTS EVENTS.

Attached is a beautiful piece of article from Chad, that shares his recent experience.